Vaccinal pass: Jean Castex defends Emmanuel Macron, who wants “Emmerder” non-vaccinated

In the Senate, Wednesday, the Prime Minister felt that non-vaccinated persons represent a “tiny minority” which “fracture” the nation.

Le Monde

Jean Castex himself took charge of the explanation of text. Wednesday, January 5, at 3 pm, the Prime Minister came to answer senators’ questions. From the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Republicans (LR) in the Senate, Bruno Retail, arrested him on the interview of Macron’s Emann Posted in the Parisian , Tuesday night. “These words, I will not pronounce them, affirmed the Senator of Vendée by referring to the fact that the President of the Republic has assumed to” emmerder “the non-vaccinated. No health emergency justifies the words of such brutality. , of such an indignity. (…) Mr. Prime Minister, while our political debate is polluted by violence, do you think that the response to violence is another form of violence, verbal abuse? mayor, you used these words, with that sense? “

Not surprisingly, the Prime Minister, while refraining from justifying the rudeness of the statement, defended the Head of State by placing himself on the side of the majority that the people vaccinated and saying that this purpose was shared by some French. “What the President of the Republic said, I hear him everywhere, and you know, he thus affirmed. There is a form of exasperation of our citizens to be imposed a whole form of constraints. When others make the choice to free themselves, (…) the words of the President of the Republic are in perfect coherence with what we do. “Mr. Castex also felt that” the minority “of the Unvaccinated people “fracture the nation”.

Then expected at the National Assembly, where the examination of the text on the vaccinal pass was once again interrupted in the night of Tuesday in Wednesday, Mr Castex criticized a form of obstruction of the oppositions: “I noted with regret that all the reasons for delaying the examination is used. We must take the progress of things. This text is a major tool for fighting the pandemic, we need it! “M. Retailleau concluded, in a passing way, always about Mr. Macron’s interview: “These words, it’s not a slippage of more, it’s an outrage too much.”

Responding to a question from Senator Hervé Marseille, President of the Centrist Union Group, the Prime Minister has once again pointed the responsibility of the non-vaccinated, as if he also assumed the arm of iron: “which outrage the nation ? Who fractures the nation? Who leads caregivers, in our emergencies, to make dramatic ethical choices? But it’s a tiny minority, launched the Prime Minister. Being a citizen, it’s also having homework and their Remember that’s all we do. “

As the Prime Minister, part of the government was forced to justify Mr. Macron’s words all day from Wednesday, hardening the tone against the non-vaccinated. At the exit of the Council of Ministers, the Government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, had also been questioned about the words of Emmanuel Macron. “We’re going to talk frankly. Who’s bothering the life of whom today?, Has he questioned Wednesday midday. They are the ones who oppose the vaccine, who spoil the lives of our traders, from Our restaurateurs, our theaters, our cinemas, which for two years have lived with a sword of Damocles above the head when they have not been closed. These are the ones who oppose the vaccine that ruins the life of the elderly, who are forced to live in loneliness, in fear, in fear against an epidemic. So I’m going to tell you things, we always said things extremely clearly and we will continue to say them Clearly. “The continuation of the debates at the National Assembly on Wednesday night could be equally tense.

/Media reports.