He was accused of using the credit card of a heating company of 40,000 sarecello, while it was president.
Le Monde with AFP
The member François PUPUPONI (modem) was sentenced, Wednesday, January 5, to 5,000 euros fine for abusive expenses of 27,000 euros between 2004 and 2006, made using the bank card of a company public.
The Pontoise court sentenced him for “abuse of social property, false and use of false”, said, on Thursday, the floor, confirming information from the Parisian and from Mediapart
The member and former Mayor of Sarcelles (Val-d’Oise) was accused of having used for personal purposes the SEM Heat Credit Card, the heating company of 40,000 Sacellois, while he was president. According to the Parisian, he is reproached for withdrawals and notes of restaurants and hotels, in Paris or in the provinces, for more than 27 000 euros.
The parquet had required a sentence of six months in prison and 20,000 euros fine.
“Other disturbance elemented”
The Tribunal retained the prescription of the facts for the period from January to June 2004 and sentenced it for the remainder of 5,000 euros of fine.
Contacted, François Pupponi had not responded to the Appeals of the France-Press agency (AFP) Thursday at the end of the morning.
The Mayor of Sarcelles (PS) Patrick Haddad took “act of this decision without commenting on it”, in a statement but “satisfies” that the SEM heat, owned 60% by the City, “officially recognized victim of good social abuse from Mr. Pupponi at the time he presided it “. Mr. Haddad adds that “other troubles appear in the past management of this SEM, so we will continue to use all the means of law at our disposal so that the light is made and that justice is made until ‘at the end “.