Account units are becoming increasingly successful. They offer a wide range of investments, the most classic to the most original, with risks that vary from placement to another.
yesterday acclaimed for the security of its euro funds guaranteed, life insurance is now combined with the “Account Units” (CPU) mode, that is, financial, or immovable media, for which Insurers do not commit to the value of the capital invested, but on the number of these units of account.
Since the first eleven months of 2021, the payments made by the investors on these famous CPUs reach 52.2 billion euros and the net collection (less withdrawal payments) amounts to 30.9 billion euros. , according to the latest figures of the French Insurance Federation. The share of the units of account in the payments on life insurance contracts is 38% over the first eleven months of 2021. It was only 35% in 2020, and 28% in 2019.
The CPU world is now extremely vast, and likely to meet most of the needs of savers. There are, of course, rated shares, representative of collective funds (SICAV, mutual funds …), which are among the most risky since their value can fall sharply in a short time, as we have seen By 2020 when the sanitary crisis, with decreases by 40% to 50% in a handful of weeks.
If most of these funds are classic invoice, with so-called “active” management (the manager may deviate from the composition of stock indexes), more and more contracts now integrate ETFs, or trackers, To replicate the evolution of stock clues at very low prices, offering a very wide diversification in one support.
Renowned less risky, funds of bonds, states or private companies, do not shelter losses, since these financial instruments see their value evolve in the opposite direction of interest rates financial markets. When these rates go back, the value of the bonds mechanically decreases; A risk to take today seriously, because these rates are extremely low, while inflationary threats are reinforcing.
Stone, security
Always in the financial field, but disconnected from the scholarship itself, there is also, and more and more often, equity funds or bonds unlisted (the “Private Equity”, in particular) , renowned for their good long-term performances (more than 10% per year), but also risky since their value depends on the good health of the companies put in the portfolio.
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