in Kazakhstan began to massively disable the Internet due to rallies and protests. It is reported by Telegram-channel monitoring service GlobalCHEsk.
“Fix the full disabling of the Internet in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. (…) Including the Internet from wired operators,” the service administrators passed.
According to Telegram-channel Sputnik Kazakhstan, mobile Internet also does not work in the country. Messengers are not available, in particular What’s App and Telegram. In Beeline, Kazakhstan reported a similar problem.
January 2, in Kazakhstan, protests began against the growth of prices for fuel, on January 4, a collision of protesters with security forces occurred on the republic’s Square in Almaty. Law enforcement officers were used to overclock the protests tear gas and light grenades. In Alma-Ata and in the Mangystau region, an emergency regime was introduced in the Mangystau region, during the period of emergency regime announced a curfew from 23.00 to 7.00.
Against the background of the protests, President of Kazakhstan Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev sent the government of the republic, and also instructed to introduce public regulation of liquefied gas, gasoline, diesel and socially significant products for a period of 180 days.