Google introduced Web browser release chrome 97 . At the same time Available Stable issue of free project chromium speaking the basis of Chrome. Chrome is different using Google’s logos, the presence of a notification sending system in case of collapse, modules for playing a copy-protected video conference (DRM), automatic installation and transmission installation system when searching for RLZ parameters. For those who need more time to update, the Extended Stable branch is supported separately, accompanied by 8 weeks, in which formed Update for the last issue of Chrome 96. The following issue of Chrome 98 is scheduled for February 1.
- For part of users in the configurator New data management interface, stored on the side of the browser (“Chrome: // Settings / Content / All”). The key distinction of the new interface is the orientation to setting the authority and cleaning at all of all the cookie of the site, without the possibility of viewing detailed information about individual cookies and selective Cookie removal. According to Google, access to individual cookies for a regular user who does not understand the simplicity of Web development can lead to unpredictable violations in sites due to a random change of individual parameters, as well as to randomly disconnect the confidentiality protection mechanisms activated through the cookie. For those who need to manipulate individual cookies, it is recommended to use the Warehouse Management section in the Web Developer Tools (AppLocation / Storage / Cookie).
- In a block with information about the site, an output of a brief description of the site (for example, descriptions from Wikipedia), if the search for search and navigation optimization mode is activated in the settings (“Make Search and Browsing Better option”).
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/Media reports.