UN Secretary-General Antoniou Guterryas called for a dialogue on nuclear service control all countries that are included in the World Organization. This is reported by TASS with reference to the official representative of the Secretary of State Stephen Diuzharrik.
So he commented on the lack of mentioning the nuclear “five” in the joint statement of the nuclear “five”, which own or allegedly own the weapons.
“The Secretary-General clearly stated that he would like to see the complete elimination of nuclear weapons and, as he noted in his statement, this requires a dialogue with the participation of countries who have nuclear weapons, and all other UN countries,” said Duzharrick .
January 3 Leaders of the nuclear “five” – Russia, China, USA, Great Britain and France – opposed the arms race and called on to do everything possible to prevent a nuclear war in the future. Their joint statement was published on the Kremlin website. As noted by the representatives of the five states, nuclear weapons should serve exceptionally defensive goals and be directed only to the containment of aggression of all players in the international arena.