Paris Stock Exchange beats records and passes above 7,300 points

Fears on disturbances related to the Omicron variant of SARS-COV-2 continues to dissipate for investors.

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

The global scholarships were, Tuesday, January 4, less and less frightened by Omicron. In Paris, the CAC 40 index has chained a second rounding session, pushing its records in session and closing: it has won 100.19 points (+ 1.39%) to close at 7,317,41 points, a record. During the session, he culminated at 7,332,21 points, unpublished level. The day before, it had completed 0.9%, already a new record.

Investors have been reassured “by new statements from the World Health Organization on the Omicron Variant Symptoms, observed Harry Wolhandler, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Amilton Am. Markets anticipate crisis management without problem, as if the problem was solved. But the virus showed that it could surprise us every day. “

272,000 cases of contamination recorded in twenty-four hours

According to Dr. Abdi Mahamud, a head of the World Health Organization, new data suggest that the Omicron variant of the coronavirus responsible for CVIV-19 is at the origin of less severe symptoms than previous strains.

Nearly 272,000 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in France in the last twenty-four hours, still never reached, announced Tuesday Public Health France. However, investors have turned to the values ​​that have suffered the economic consequences of health restrictions, and who have the most to gain a fluid reopening. Banks, industrial companies, the trip thus posted net gains.

If the first two sessions of 2022 have been thundering, it is also because the “beginning of January is traditionally a period of subscriptions for institutional investors”, which inject the funds they have just collected, Riding the price of stocks, explains Mr. Wolhandler.

Economic indicators have been satisfactory in the eyes of investors. In the United States, the growth of the manufacturing sector has slowed in December, remaining production by the supply difficulties and the lack of staff, despite signs of improvement on these two plans. That of China is started on the rise, according to an independent indicator.

/Media reports.