Vaccinal pass: reasons for ecoac to National Assembly

The episode of the night from Monday to Tuesday, where the deputies spoke in unfavoring an extension of the debates, reflects the confrontation at a distance between Emmanuel Macron and Valérie Pécresse.


“1, 2, 3, 4, 5 …” The Deputy Speaker The Republicans (LR) of the National Assembly, Annie Genevard, tries to forget anyone. Dozens of deputies, still standing, lift their hand, when they regain their place. The count of this show of hands, which lasts nearly five minutes, is laborious. Before the verdict of the one that leads the session, under the desired eyes of the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, and the cries of joy of the opposition: “We suspend.” The theater does not hold four small voices . On the night of Monday 3 to Tuesday, January 4, 125 deputies against 121 spoke in unfavoring an extension of the debates at the Palais-Bourbon, on the vaccinal pass, after the normal closing time planned at midnight. A blow for the government.

While Mr. Véran had manifested his will to “go after this text and without delay”, by continuing the debates until the dawn if necessary, the schedule provided by the executive is blowné. With this courac, difficult, now, to aim for a final adoption of the bill at the end of the week, as originally planned. And thus implement this tool desired by the government from January 15, as hoped, to further push the French to be vaccinated. In the full “Tide Raz” of Covid-19, doped by the Omicron variant, which beats records of contamination – nearly 300,000 new cases were recorded Tuesday – the macronists enrage.

“Fault of Mobilization “

The pill is all the more hard to swallow that they must cash the opposition mockery, which denounces “the amateurism” of the majority. An angle of attack many times used since the beginning of the legislature against the deputies of the Republic (LRM), most novices during their election, in order to decide themselves. Criticism is easy but, in fact, the majority has sinned for lack of anticipation. Given their numerical advantage over the opposition (the LRM-modem groups and act total nearly 350 elected), the troops should have been sufficiently numerous to vote the extension of the session. “What happened is direct and main responsibility for the majority, it is a lack of mobilization,” regretted the leader of MPM members, Patrick Mignola.

A courac that does not hold a background disagreement: apart from rare exceptions, all Members of the majority are favorable for vaccinal pass. The main reason is due to a lack of attention and a kind of floating in the ranks at the time of the vote. Many of them had granted a break, before resuming the debates, thinking of having enough time to return to vote. Some were restored, others were to leave their place to a colleague … They were finally caught by the vote and ended up in the minority against those of the opposition, who were, they present in number. A classic “curtain shot” in parliamentary operation.

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/Media reports.