This is the time of the good resolutions for Florian, which is just out of a catastrophic eve. The more and more unforeseen mine over the hours, he had to answer the traditional questions of the unknown: “What else do you do, in life? – Uh … I manage Data projects to upgrade the marketing of a start- Up. – No but concretely do you do what, do you like it? “Then the black hole: it’s decided, Florian will change in 2022. I met at the evening, Victoria will guide him in his quest for Self: Ex-Success Custom Manager (his job consisted of reviving customers by phone), she planted everything to alternate on free-launched two activities of Yoga and Coach teacher in Ikigai.
This Japanese word is the objective towards which everyone should tendy: it is literally a life (the Ikiru verb meaning “living”) which is worth it (Gaï meaning “reason, meaning”). Finding his Ikigai, it’s redrawing his tailor-made life to get a reason to get up in the morning. Vast project.
The origins of the concept are the subject of debate: it would come from the island of Okinawa, renowned for its villages of centenarians, practicing their many activities in community such as the dance or the management of vegetables. After all, “we have to cultivate our garden,” said Voltaire’s candid.

Ikigai with professional sauce is a real method, of which The steps vary according to the personal development books. To better make great decisions, it is a question of knowing oneself: at the beginning is therefore a deep introspection. This dear Florian will abandon all certainty: “Who am I? What am I? Where will I?” He will also be invited by Victoria to ask for the sincere opinion of his relatives, including his parents who do not understand what makes their son in his start-up.
“Vocation with Pognon”
The democratized method in many companies is often represented by a Venn diagram, made of circles that intertwine. If the previous step has been successfully completed, the employee in search of meaning should be able to fill in ideas the four basic circles: what he likes to do, what he is talented, for which it can be paid , and what the world needs. For example, if, like the Francian Dinner Pignon (Francis Veber, 1998), you like to make models of monuments with matches , it’s a starting point to revive you in the construction of the BTP (the world does not need to Your models, and it’s hard to hope for income).
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