In July 2016, two young actors had accused the CNEWS and NRJ12 facilitator for benefiting from castings for an erotic web shebsite to push them to show off naked.
Le Monde with AFP
The Jean-Marc Morandini Television Facilitator was returned to trial for “sexual harassment” and “concealed labor”, learned the France-Presse agency (AFP) from a source close to the file, Monday, January 3rd , confirming information from BFM-TV .
In July 2016 In the innovibles , two young actors had accused the host of CNEWS and NRJ12, now 56 years old, to take advantage of castings made for a webcast Erotic, baptized the hawks, to push them to show off naked. According to their testimonies, a person presenting himself like Catherine Leclerc – in reality Mr. Morandini under pseudonym – had sent them e-mails to insist them to send naked videos of them and masturbation scenes.
Five comedians had filed a complaint for “sexual harassment”. They had also denounced facts of “concealed labor”, the production company did not declare the actors with social agencies.
already returned to a correctional for “minor corruption”
In an order dated December 23, of which AFP was aware, the investigative investigating judge ordered the reference of Mr. Morandini to the Paris Correctional Court for “Sexual Harassment” with regard to From a complainant and that of his production company do not zap! for “concealed work” with respect to five complainants. The magistrate has, on the other hand, ordered non-places for “sexual harassment” with respect to four other complainants.
“There was a classification without a continuation of five complaints, there is a non-place for four of the five [complaints],” said Céline Lasek, the lawyer of the facilitator. Regarding the fifth, “Mr. Morandini will demonstrate before the court that he did not commit harassment,” she added.
The parquet of Paris had, initially, secondly classified its investigation into this case in December 2016. The complainants had obtained in 2018 the resumption of investigations by an investigating judge. In another case, Mr. Morandini was referred in July 2020 to the Correctional Court for “Minor Corruption”.