COVID-19: at university, fear of massive contamination during exams

Alternative sessions must be offered to students who will not be able to go to their partials.


Can we avoid university exams turn into clusters everywhere in France? Question Taled Students and Teachers Since the announcement, on 29 December by the Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, the maintenance of the presential events, despite the degradation of the health situation and the return of teleworking at least three days by Week.

A few hours from the beginning of the events, Monday, January 3, the worried statements followed each other, by hundreds, on social networks, punctuated by a conclusion of the most anxogens: even positive at SARS-COV-2, a majority students will go to their parties rather than appear as failing.

Institutions, subject to a circular compliance published in the wake of the Minister’s statements, advocate for their own resources and the configuration of their premises. At Claude-Bernard University Lyon-I, 15,000 FFP2 masks are made available to students, distributed at the beginning of each event. “We will recommend later,” says the communication service.

An isolated example, while most can not engage in such expenses. At Sciences Po Toulouse, Jérémy Nollet watched a test in an amphitheater filled with half-gauge, Monday morning. “I opened the doors on the corridors where there is not really air circulation, testifies the lecturer. Was there an air purifier or a test on the level of co 2 ? I do not know anything. “

Petitions for a postponement of events

Everywhere, petitions flourish to request the postponement of the partials or their remote rocking. As in Aix-Marseille University, where the courses will be exempted from a distance all the month of January to free room and allow the holding of the table tests, which arouses the incomprehension of the 2,800 signatory students. “Contaminations will take place during these exams. Let’s not forget that we also meet people at risk and that we could put their lives in danger,” they write.

appealing by a student from the Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne Competition Center, the Council of State judged, Sunday, January 2, that students can spend their face-to-face exams, Because they belong to an age class whose vaccination rate is greater than 90% and that they can compose under conditions for compliance with the rules of distancing. “This figure is criticizable since it does not take into account the third dose, observes Amine Elbahi, the applicant, who questions: what about access to self-controls, in accordance with the government circular? QUID of the aeration of amphitheatres devoid of windows? “

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