Russians who were affected in an accident with a bus in Belarus told about what had happened

Russian tourists who have fallen into an accident with a bus in Belarus, told the details of the happening. Their words leads the Belarusian television channel ONT.

According to one of the affected passengers, everything happened quickly – because of a sharp blow, travelers did not understand what happened.

“These were the fractions of a second, we all slept, we woke up from the fall. Accordingly, they quickly got out of the bus, who could, but the special services reacted quickly, medical care is organized well. Now they will post over the night,” the other Russian .

It is noted that among the victims there are children. The chief physician of the Vitebsk Hospital Evgeny Matusevich, where Russian tourists were received, clarified that part of the surgical department was reproached to help the victim, assistance was provided to all patients – several of them are now undergoing operational treatment.

Previously Assistant Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Alexei Kuznetsov clarified that the life of victims in the accident in Belarusians outside the danger.

In the afternoon of January 3, the bus with Russians got into an accident in the Vitebsk region. He ran into a passenger car Renault, his driver died. From among the passengers of the bus suffered 41 people.

/Media reports.