Venezuela: opposition confirms Juan Guaido as Acting President

The interim government controls the vast assets and Venezuelan property abroad, but has no power in the country, directed by Nicolas Maduro, re-elected in 2018 fraudulently according to the opposition.

Le Monde with AFP

The leader of the opposition, Juan Guaido, who had proclaimed the Acting President of Venezuela to try to oust President Nicolas Maduro, was confirmed in this position for a year on the night of Monday 3 to Tuesday. 4 January by the National Assembly, without power, elected in 2015.

Then President of the Parliament, Guaido proclaimed Acting President in 2019 while the international community did not recognize the re-election in 2018 by Maduro at the end of a boycott and qualified “fraudulent” vote by the Opposition.

“Our commitment to defend the Venezuelans is ratified,” said Href=”” target=”_blank” reserve”Noopener” title=”New window”> Juan Guaido on Twitter

Promise of better fund control

Controlled by the opposition, this National Assembly, elected in 2015 and whose mandates officially ended in January 2021, was stripped of its power in 2017 with the election of a Constituent Assembly favorable to Madaro power. The opposition also boycotted the legislative of 2020, which have seen the power to resume the control of the Assembly.

The opposition members approved “the continuity for twelve months from 4 January” of their mandate and “government”, also deciding that the “President of the National Assembly Officer [IT] as responsible for The Presidency (…) to defend democracy and lead the protection of state assets abroad “.

In particular, in particular, in the international community, the interim government controls the vast assets and Venezuelan property abroad, but Mr. Guaido has no power in his country. After many critics on management, opponents have somewhat reformed the attributions of the “interim government” by removing positions and promising better control of funds.

/Media reports.