Russia’s natural resources were assessed by words “never end”

The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia Alexander Kozlov said that the country is one of the world’s richest states in the world. He told about it in an interview with Izvestia.

Kozlov, answering the question of the shortage of natural reserves in Russia, declared their non-conformity. He appreciated the resources of the country with words “never end.” In his opinion, more attention should be paid to the economy, stock profitability.

Heads of the Ministry of Environment stressed that Russia has geological reserves extracted and cost-effective reserves. These are the categories of resources that are economically beneficial to mined. The types of such reserves are more than 300: among them only those that “in demand by industry and domestic industries”.

“Today I can say that Russia occupies one of the leading positions on oil and gas production and for a number of solid minerals. For example, on gold, silver, copper and others,” said Kozlov.

Earlier, the head of Gazprom Neft, Alexander Dukhov, said that in Russia they found “new oil.” He predicted that the disposal of carbon dioxide in oil and gas layers has significant export potential.

/Media reports.