In the least vaccinated metropolis region, refractories cross the footsteps of the first injection every day by retaining their doubts.
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Bouchra can not calm his anxiety. This social worker, who wants to remain anonymous, awaits his turn in the small local of the association of the inhabitants of the Cité Air-Bel in the 11 e district of Marseille. And panic. In recent weeks, the place, more accustomed to struggles against housing, turns into a vaccination center every Wednesday. Between noon and 14 hours, mediators welcome without an appointment and try to convince those who, like Bouchra, have still not taken the pitch of the first dose. “I’m up to date with all my vaccines, but with that one, I’m afraid,” recognizes this 35-year-old family, who has contracted a severe COVID-19 in March 2021.
At the national level, 5% of the total vaccinations over the last seven days were first injections, a light rebound rate in recent weeks. In Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA), the number of primo-vaccinated is higher than elsewhere in the metropolis. According to the calculations of the world, between the 18th and 28th of December, 2021, 0.5% of the eligible population in the PACA region received a first injection, the highest rate of France, with Corsica (against 0.3% In Ile-de-France, or 0.1% in Pays de la Loire). “Regional vaccine covers have long been lower than the national level; a larger catch-up is underway,” analyzes the Regional Health Agency.

Bouchra swallows a paracetamol tablet, as a precaution. “Many people have had problems after injection, there were even deaths. They told it to the info,” she says. The nurse whispers him soothing words but this mother of three children can not help thinking about the embrace of his 14 year old son, the very morning. “He said to me,” No, Mom, “his father is against it!” His father is against the vaccine and necessarily, too, “she justifies. Why does she decide in this end of December? “Because of the work. My director never told me anything, but in September, I suspect he will ask me for a vaccinal pass,” says this agent in a social center.
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A Marseille, only 60% of the inhabitants are vaccinated. And in the most popular boroughs – the e , and the e and 15 e – The rate ceifies around 50%. A delay that university hospitals in Marseille (AP-HM) point as the main explanation of the saturation of resuscitation services. 86% of patients with CVIV-19 admitted to these services do not have a complete vaccination scheme.
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