One third of the teachers could be absent from here at the end of January, according to the Scientific Council. Faced with this risk recognized as “unpublished”, national education put on two levers: call for vacators and retirees.
This is a prognosis – perhaps one of the only calendar at this stage – which is consensus between teachers, scientists and policy makers: the absences of teachers could reach an “unpublished” level by the end January.
In the face of the Omicron surf, the scientific council risked during these school holidays at an estimate: one third of the teachers “at least” could be affected by the CVIV-19 by the end of January, so in a way. “Direct” or “indirect” (positive case or contact case). The authority to advise the government in its decisions relating to the epidemic thus makes school one of the sectors of the possibly “disorganized” society by the flight of contaminations.

Can schools, colleges and high schools turn with one-third of 800,000 less teachers? At the Ministry of Education, we communicate with caution on the subject … but not on the issue: Guest of France Inter, Tuesday, December 28, Jean-Michel Blanquer has recognized a “risk of increased absenteeism” among the teachers.
These would probably have preferred that their supervisory minister speaks of “absences” – this “semantic choice”, very commented on social networks, goes wrong in the profession. It does not stop, from the base at the summit of the “Home Education”, the concern is shared: at the SNUPP-Fsu as in SE-UNSA, at SNALC as in the Sgen-CFDT, we redoubt with the epidemic rebound of “difficulties generalized “replacement beyond the only region of Francilienne, from Marseille or Montpellier, regularly concerned.
Misuse of absences
Faced with these forecasts, what does the institution respond? “We are deploying means, especially among vacators [of contracts] and young retirees of national education,” said Mr. Blanquer Tuesday, December 28th. Our goal is to guarantee educational continuity. “” Old recipes “, reacts -on on the field of school: the Seine-et-Marne, for lack of volunteer replacements, had already launched a call for retired professors before Christmas. Without knowing, precisely, if this territory falling under the Créteil Academy has seen volunteers come to Him. Same thing in Normandy.
But in the schools, we believe it little: “Return to the forehead after 60 years, in full epidemic, it is the opposite of common sense”, blows a retired teacher. “Who will agree to expose himself to the virus for a two-month fixed-term contract ?, questions another. It’s the last resort solution when you no longer have anyone on hand; it says that the replacement pool is dry, but it will certainly not allow schools to cash the wave! “
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