Release PostMarketOS 21.12, Linux distribution for smartphones and mobile devices

is presented the release of the project Postmarketos 21.12 , developing a Linux distribution for smartphones based on the Alpine Linux batch database, the standard MUSL Siberian and the BusyBox utility set. The aim of the project is to provide a Linux distribution for smartphones that does not depend on the life cycle of support for official firmware and not affected by the type solutions of the main players of the industry asking for the development vector. Build Prepared for Pine64 Pinephone, Purism Librem 5 and 23 Supported Community Devices, including Samsung Galaxy A3 / A3 / S4, Xiaomi Mi Note 2 / Redmi 2, OnePlus 6 and even Nokia N900. Limited experimental support is provided for more than 300 devices .

Setmarketos environment is the most unified and puts all components specific to specific devices Separate package, all other packages are identical for all devices and are based on packages Alpine Linux . In assemblies, the vanilla Linux core is used, and if it is impossible, then kernel from firmware prepared by devices manufacturers. As the main custom shells are offered Kde Plasma Mobile, Phosh and sxmo , but it is possible to install and other environments, including GNOME, Mate and xfce .

In the new release:

  • Batch base is synchronized with Alpine Linux 3.15.
  • The number of devices officially supported by the community increased from 15 to 23. Added support for arrow dragonboard 410c devices, Lenovo A6000 / A6010, Odroid HC, Pine64 Pinebook Pro, Pine64 RockPro64, Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 / 9.7 and Xiaomi Pocophone F1.
    From the list of supported devices, the Nokia N900 PC communicator is temporarily removed, the support of which before the mayteiner appears will be translated from categories devices supported by the community in The category “Testing”, for which the finished builds are not published. Change Maemo Leste .
/Media reports.