Head of the American company SPACEX Ilon Mask in a conversation with Financial Times commented on the criticism of Starlink satellites from the general director of the European Space Agency (ESA) Joseph Ashbachera, reports TASS.
According to the ESA chapter, which does not have reusable missiles, does not have its own global satellite system of high-speed broadband Internet access and is in the crisis due to the UK’s release from the EU, Mask establishes its rules in space.
“Cosmos is incredibly huge, and satellites are tiny. This is not the case when we can say that we somehow create someone obstacles. We do not interfere with anyone and not going to do this,” said the American engineer, noting that “places enough for tens of billions of satellites” land.
In early December, China presented a document in the UN, which spoke about the threat of a global satellite system of high-speed broadband access to the Internet Starlink. The statement claims that July 1 and October 21, the Chinese orbital station Tiangong was supposedly shied away from a possible collision with Spacex spacecraft American businessman Ilona Mask.