a third of Americans did not recognize the legitimate victory of US President Joe Bayden in the elections in 2020. This is reported by Massachusetts University in Amherst, with reference to the survey results, published on the site.
According to the university, 11 percent of respondents called Baiden’s victory “possible illegitimate”, another 22 percent found it “uniquely illegitimate.” It is noted that among those participating in the survey of the Republicans, the victory of the current head of state does not recognize more than 70 percent of citizens, and among the democrats – only four percent.
Tatishe Noteta NTETA (Tatishe NTETA) noted that republican officials, conservative media and followers of the former US President Donald Trump continue to question the legality of Biden’s victory. “It is not surprising that seven of the ten republicans, conservatives and voters Trump belong to the results of the elections of 2020 with skepticism, if not with obvious distrust,” he concluded.
In November, it was reported that the rating of the approval policy of Biden among Americans reached a new anti-advertise and sank to the minimum value for all his stay in office. According to the latest polls, more than half of Americans do not approve the work of the current head of state.