Russia does not intend to return to the “iron curtain” in relations with Western states. This was announced by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharov in an interview with Belrros TV channel.
answering the question whether Moscow will return to the Iron Curtain in relations with the West, the diplomat stressed that the Russian side will not do similar steps. “And what they will build, our Western partners, (unknown – approx.” “),” she added.
In July, the official representative of the Foreign Ministry spoke about the Sadomazochist punishment of the European Union (EU) for Russia. Thus, it commented on the requirement of the EU from the Russian Federation 290 billion euros in the framework of the dispute in the World Trade Organization (WTO). “Now we know how much the European Union appreciated the stupidity and non-independence of its own political elites,” then Zakharov said.