In Indonesia, the military caught the mysterious tank in the sea. Reports about it “WG: Russian weapon.”
According to the publication, some time ago an unidentified object that resembles a combat machine, approached the Indonesian drilling platform, located near the coast. Soon he disappeared – probably, he was charged. The Specialists of the Naval Forces (Navy) of the country tried to find the “tank ghost”, but then it was not possible to do it.
Some time, the tank came again in the field of vision of the military, and this time they were able to take a tug and drag to the nearest Base of the Navy. As a result, it notes “WG: Russian weapon”, it turned out that Indonesians got a real combat machine, but a lingerie resembling Chinese light Tank Type 15 / ZTQ-15 with a 105-millimeter cannon. It is known that the previously this car wanted to put into service the marines of the People’s Liberation Army of China (NAK), but the original is not capable of holding on the water.
As presumed the publication, the discovered layout was made in China for some purposes, but then it was washed away with the waves and took it into the sea. As a result, the dummy was able to surrender to the shores of Indonesia. “It is not necessary for its owners that are some military structures – in China there are a mass of firms engaged in the manufacture of full-scale copies of military equipment,” the newspaper notes.
In October, it was reported that the Military NAOK would use the uniforms of the main combat tanks for training crews. In particular, it became known that for the training of future tankers use inflatable layouts of the main combat tanks of Type 99a, which repeat the dimensions and appearance of the real car.