SCIENTING SCRs found that the Omicron version of SARS-COV-2 enhances immune protection against the delta version. Preliminary research results are published in the archive of preprints MedRxiv.
15 people participated in the study (seven of them were vaccinated), which were infected with an oomicron-option of coronavirus and demonstrated the symptoms of COVID-19. Scientists checked the ability of their antibodies to neutralize both Omicron and a delta strain, at the time of the beginning of participation and, on average, after 14 days.
It turned out that for the considered period, the effectiveness of the oikron-option neutralization increased 14 times, which demonstrates a developing immune response to SARS-COV-2. At the same time, scientists observed an increase in the neutralization of the delta version of the coronavirus. According to the conclusions of scientists, the results demonstrate a decrease in the risk of re-infection by the delta strain.
How do the authors of work write, their discovery along with the data pointing to the fact that Omicron is currently under a pandemic conditions less pathogenten than delta, it allows us to talk about a possible reduction in the burden of the burden of COVID-19.