The Russian Vaccine “Satellite V” can be approved at the beginning of 2022, after checking the data on the preparation. Possible dates for the approval of the vaccine called the Director of the European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO) Hans Kulia in an interview with TASS.
According to him, the representatives of WHO and the Russian Fund of direct investment (RDII) met at the end of November to discuss the approval of the “satellite V”. The organization requested additional data on the quality, safety and efficiency of the vaccine. The flow of this data is expected by the end of December of this year, shortly after that the verification process will be completed.
“This is definitely not a policy. WHO is an organization based on scientific evidence. The process of approving the vaccine is the same for all manufacturers, which must comply with the same criteria as all others,” the clue emphasized, answering the question about , Cologizes the process of approval of drugs from COVID-19.