NGO Energomash and MSTU signed a roadmap for 2022-2023

Research and Production Association “Energomash” named after academician V.P. Glushko (part of the state corporation “Roskosmos”) and Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman Discussed the main directions of cooperation at 2022-2023 at the meeting of the leaders of the largest rocket engineering enterprise and the country’s leading technical university.

As the general director of NGO Energomash Igor Arbuzov, MSTU named after N.E. Bauman is one of the key universities that supply personnel for the rocket and space industry and Energomash values ​​this long-term connection.

“Students” Baumanki “pass on energy production, technological and pre-diploma practice, and then come to work to us. Not only Energomash, but also all enterprises of the integrated rocket engine structure require designer engineers, technologists, – Igor Watermelov notes. – And besides, there are also managers capable of leading design and production units. “

Acting Rector MGTU Mikhail Gordin assured that the Institute would work the ability to launch the training program for managers with engineering education. For its part, he proposed the management of Energomas to consider the possibility of improving the qualifications of employees of enterprises of the integrated structure based on the Institute and more often use MSTU as a scientific platform for joint search for new design and technological solutions in the development of rocket engines.

At the end of the meeting, the parties signed a roadmap for 2022-2023. Among the main areas of cooperation in it, targeted and practical-oriented training for NGO Energomash, as well as joint research, engineering, pilot-design, experimental work works.


Official cooperation agreement between NGO Energomash and MSTU NA N.E. Bauman was concluded in 2018. Currently, 63 graduates MSTU N.E. Bauman. Among them: Advisor to the Director General, Academician RAS B.I. Katorgin (General Director of NGO Energomash in the period 1991-2005); Head of production MA Borisov, Chief Welder A.B. Aminov, heads of workshops: E.V. Bespalov, TA Shabanov.

under target learning contracts in 2019-2021. In MMTU named after Bauman, 18 people were entered. All graduates of the target set are employed in NGO Energomash. For three years, 9 people are accepted. Currently, internships in NGO Energomash pass 5 students MSTU N.E. Bauman.

/Media reports.