three and a half years after the past significant release Published Release Free system of automated design of printed circuit boards kicad 6.0.0 . This is the first significant edition formed after the project is processed under the wing of the Linux Foundation organization. Build Prepared for various Linux, Windows and MacOS distributions. The code is written in C ++ using the WXWIDGETS library and extends under the GPLv3 license.
KiCAD provides means for editing electrical circuits and printed circuit boards, 3D-visualization of the board, working with the library of electrical circuit elements, manipulations with templates in the format Gerber , simulation of the operation of electronic circuits, editing printed circuit boards and project management. The project also provides libraries of electronic components, seats and 3D models. In summary of some manufacturers of printed circuit boards, about 15% of orders come with the provision of schemes prepared in KiCAD.
Among the changes in the new release:
- recycled and is reduced to a more modern view of the user interface. Unified interface of various KiCAD components. For example, the editors of schemes and printed circuit boards (PCB) now do not create the impression of different applications and are close to each other at the design level, hot keys, layouts of dialog boxes and editing process. Also carried out to simplify the interface for new users and engineers who use different design systems in their activities.
- Procedure Editor has been recycled in which the same paradigms of selection and manipulation of objects are now used as in the editor of the printed circuit boards (PCB). Added new features such as the purpose of the classes of electrical circuits directly from the circuit editor. The possibility of applying the rules for selecting the color and style of lines for conductors and tires, both individually and based on the type of chain is provided. Hierarchical design is simplified, for example, the possibility of creating tires grouping several signals with different names.
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