is presented Issue Rakudo 2021.12 , compiler for RAKU programming language (former perl 6). The project was renamed from Perl 6 as it did not become a continuation of Perl 5, as expected initially, and turned into a separate programming language, not compatible with Perl 5 at the level of source text and developed by a separate developer community. At the same time, is available The release of the virtual machine Moarvm 2021.12 Forming Wednesday to run byte-code compiled in Rakudo. In Rakudo, compilation is also supported for JVM and some virtual machines for JavaScript.
From improvements in rakudo 2021.12 It is noted to add the support for the IS-Wrapped method for the Routine module, the implementation of the RAKUDO_PRECOMPIRATION_PROGREss environment variable to display information about pre-compiled modules in STDerr, adding the ITERATIONBUFER.UNSHIFT, ITERATIONBUFFER.Prepend and IterationBuffer.New methods, as well as optimizing the performance of the .match methods ,.match SUBST-Mutate and .subst, acceleration by 40% call date.New (YEAR, MONTH, DAY). In the new version of Moarvm Improved Jit sales and garbage collector, added new optimization and security checks.