The European Commission launches a legal procedure against Poland for violation of the laws of the European Union (EU) against the background of the dispute to the decision of Warsaw about the rule of the National Constitution over European law. About it reports Deutsche Welle (DW).
The Commission expressed doubts about independence and impartiality of the Constitutional Court of Poland. Jurokomissar on Justice Didier Reinders told in twitter that the union tried to establish a dialogue with Warsaw, but did not reach Success. “It is necessary to respect the foundations of the EU legal system, in particular, the rule of European law,” he concluded.
It is noted that the Polish side sent a notice of the beginning of the procedure. Warsaw must send Brussels the official response within two months, on the basis of which the decision will be made on further measures.
On December 12, the Minister of Justice of Poland Zbignev Zebro proposed in case of exacerbation of the conflict due to the question of the rule of law in the EU, discontinue payments to the association budget and impose a veto on its decisions. According to him, the EU blackmates Poland to achieve reformatting in a “federal state officially managed from Brussels, and in practice – from Berlin.”