Member of the Committee of the State Duma for Labor, Social Policy and Affairs Veterans Svetlana Bezaraba called in a conversation with “” the reasons for which it was necessary to freeze the accumulative part of pensions.
According to the deputy, the system of non-state pension funds (NPF) at that time turned out to be imperfect, and the state was not ready for the Foundations war. “Numerous violations in activities, including, we were forced to follow after criminal cases about fraud, so-called pension fund agents, when a lot of citizens’ applications that they did not write came to the NPF, and funds from one NPF were translated into another “She specified.
On the one hand, it played a role in distrust by the population, on the other hand, it was necessary to preserve funds in the system of compulsory pension insurance, told Bessarab. “Before increasing the age of retirement, the situation when part of the funds also left this system in the NPF, was already unacceptable. I think it was just a little unsuccessful product,” concluded a deputy.
Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the extension of freezing of the accumulative part of pensions until 2024. The accumulative pension remains frozen since 2014, that is, the deductions to the accumulative part of a pension in the amount of 6 percent of wages are sent to the insurance part for payments to current pensioners.