Teacher in United States organized a school scene on events of Holocaust

American teacher of one of the schools of Washington organized a scene on the events of the Holocaust in the third grade. About it reports The Washington Post.

The role of the Fuhrer of the Third Reich Adolf Hitler got a boy of Jewish origin. One of the schoolchildren depicted a dying prisoner of the gas chamber, other children staged the executions and digging fraternal graves. All third graders turned to eight or nine years.

During the production, the children were asked why the Jews were subjected to genocide in the third Reich. “Because the Jews spoiled Christmas,” the teacher replied. Despite the fact that she requested children not to tell about production, parents learned about it and turned to the administration of the educational institution. The school began to investigate, the teacher was temporarily removed, and the children were sent to the school psychologist.

Earlier it became known that the administration of the city of Auschwitz launched advertising the benefits of accommodation in the village, where during the Second World War there was a concentration camp of Auschvitz. Local self-government has placed nine billboards with information on affordable housing and city infrastructure.

/Media reports.