Roscosmos scientists awarded for experiments on “Progress” ships

Young scholars of the Rocket and Space Corporation “Energy” named after S.P. The Queen (is included in the state corporation “Roscosmos”) became laureates of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. The premium is awarded to develop the technology of experimental research using the Progress Transport Cargo ship.

Awards were awarded the deputy head of the department of Tatyana Matveyev (Scientific Director of the Author’s Team), leading engineer Diana Ayukayev, Deputy Head of Directorate Dmitry Guriev and Mathematics Engineer Alexey Oleinik.

Awarding the scientific officers of the author’s teams held in the Government House of the Russian Federation. With awarding the award and the assignment of honorary titles of the laureates, Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, congratulated.

“Progress ships is a unique platform for cosmic experiments,” says Tatyana Matveyeva. – On transport cargo ships, you can create certain conditions necessary for the experiment that cannot be provided at the International Space Station. When there is a fuel reserve, the ship afterverting from the ISS can be in an autonomous flight for about a month. The performance of experiments with its help is economically very beneficial, and given the regularity of flights of ships, you can perform a series of experiments.

On “progress”, various technologies and equipment, which will then be applied on manned ships and other automatic apparatuses of various purposes, are presented in the paper. technologies of exhaust experiments: “Plasma progress”, “Radar progress”, “reflection”, “bending” and others, as well as technologies of future experiments in the field of studying microgravity, studying the upper layers of the atmosphere, launches from the ship of large-sized satellites, experiments on remote sensing land and others. “

According to the results of the work, the authors published more than 100 scientific printed works and 17 patents were obtained. The premium received by the Corporation specialists was established in 2004 in order to develop the scientific potential of the Russian Federation and stimulating the creative activity of young scientists. It is awarded annually, the size of its monetary part is one million rubles.

/Media reports.