Laurent Bouvet, co-founder of Republican Spring, is dead

In particular, the Politist was at the origin of the creation of the movement advocating a strict vision of secularism. He died Saturday 52 years of a long illness.

Le Monde

It had announced late November That “[his] public speech ceased” after a neurodegenerative disease had “deprived of the use of [his] members and speech”. The Politist Laurent Bouvet, Co-Founder of Republican Spring, died Saturday, December 18, announced his wife on Facebook. He was 52 years old.

It was by a quote from Machiavel that Laurent Bouvet, professor of political theory at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, presented on facebook. “I love my homeland more than my soul.” A presentation that succinct and devilishly chatting both these few words drew at great features that which borrows them: a spirit broken to political philosophy, resolutely republican and fiercely secular.

For a long time militant to the Socialist Party, he had moved away to found in 2016, including the Interdepartmental Delegate to the fight against racism and anti-Semitism Gilles Clavreul, the Republican Spring Movement. This association “aimed at promoting the common and secularism in the French political landscape” advocates a strict vision of secularism and has frequently been accused of identity. The Republican Spring, he frequently accused the left of being too conciliatory with Islamism.

He had defended the concept “cultural insecurity”, that he defined as “the expression of anxiety, of a fear, or even a fear, vis-à-vis what the We live, sees and perceives and feel, here and now, “at home”, the upheavals of the Order of the world, changes in society, what can be both close or distant, familiar or foreign ” .

/Media reports.