Nautrician Holly Zokollan talked about ways to extend life with nutrition. Useful products are named in an interview with Internet edition Express.
Healthy Nutrition Specialist believes that, first of all, it is necessary to avoid consumption of products with a high content of sugar: sweet sodes, flakes, cakes. Refined vegetable oils should also be eliminated – they are harmful to the body, since they are purified by a chemical method.
Zokollan noted that for longevity, it is necessary to increase the consumption of useful fats, such as olive oil, fatty fish, avocado, nuts and seeds. She added that it is necessary to eat more food with high protein, fresh fruit, drink enough water and additionally take vitamins capable of maintaining the body, especially in winter.
Previously, Nutriciologist Yulia Polovinskaya told about the danger of oranges, which is why in some cases their use can adversely affect health. She reminded that oranges, like any citrus, are a strong allergen, so they should not be used in large quantities.