Belarus: oldest hero of Soviet Union passed away

In Belarus, the oldest hero of the Soviet Union colonel in resignation of Vasily Michurin died. A man died on the 106th year of life, reports “BelTA”.

Michurin took part in the two major wars of the 20th century – the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic War. Initially, he was not going to go to military service. Young Michurin worked as an agrotechnik, but in 1939 he was called on the Finnish Front. In the army, he chose a machine gunner specialization.

The title of Hero of the USSR Michurin received at the time of the Finnish campaign at 23 years. The only surviving survival during the Finnish attack on their position, Michurin was able to handle three machine guns alone and stop six attempts to adversely. “I shoot, and immediately put 30 meters in Finns – be healthy how much. They moved away from this point and went to the left flank, where Okunev,” said Veteran in an interview.

The battle for Baranovichi and Brest, the East Prussian operation and Bettle for Berlin passed to the Great Patriotic Michurin. During the Second World War, Michurin also received several awards, but were injured. He repeatedly told about his rudge path in the media. “The war must be remembered and necessary to speak, at least for the sake of those who fought. Because they are heroes – they gave life,” the veteran believed.

Earlier in the Vitebsk Region, the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko called on officials to be ready for war and count only on himself. And in the liberated Michurin Brest recently decided to open the Mosque named after Ahmat Kadyrov.

/Media reports.