Russia: found “new oil”

In Russia, a new industry may appear, comparable with oil, the head of Gazprom Neft predicted by Alexander Dyukov. His statements lead RIA Novosti.

We are talking about the provision of carbon dioxide services – it can be poured into oil and gas layers. This direction has a large export potential, finds Duduk.

Currently, Gazprom Neft is working on a pilot project on the capture and storage of carbon dioxide, which is planned to be implemented in the Orenburg region in 2022. At the first stage, the capacity will be a million tons of carbon dioxide per year, the potential of its tanks up to 50 million tons. Investments will reach 30 billion rubles.

However, the head of the company explained, there remains another number of issues related to the regulation, development of an economic model and how the state will participate in the project. The regulatory framework that would prescribe the rules for the sector, so far there. “I hope that in the near future a working group will be created and a body under government, which will be created with the business to deal with the development of a regulatory framework, including economic incentives,” said Dyukov.

In August about the launch of a CO2 injection project to spent hydrocarbon fields on the North Sea shelf, the Consortium of the Greensand project to catch and storing carbon in Denmark along with the German oil and gas company Wintershall DEA, the main partner of the Russian Gazprom in Germany. At the same time, Wintershall DEA is thinking about to develop such projects in cooperation with Russian enterprises in the future. Russia, like other countries whose economy is connected with the export of oil and gas, should be interested in the development of such technologies, indicated the senior director of the Fitch Group Natural Resources Group Dmitry Marinchenko.

/Media reports.