At trial of 13-November, quest for origin of evil

Why and how do young men born in France or Belgium come one day to kill their fellow citizens? The Paris Special Assize Court questions the relatives of the terrorists about it.


“We try to understand what was in his head,” says Jean-Louis Perès, President of the Paris Special Assize Court, to all who, for a week, come to talk about a son or deceased brother. These days scroll in front of him relatives not accused present in the box – their turn will come later – but dead terrorists. The debates are not intended to establish the guilt or not of the living, but to understand how the dead could arrive there, to decipher the mysterious mechanism of tilting into hatred. Large program.

So far, the Court did not get a lot of responses from the little lacquacious witnesses. “I can not help you, I was not in his head,” said Yassine Abaaoud, Brother of Abdelhamid. The fathers of Samy Amimour and Ishmael Omar Mostefai, terrorists of the Bataclan, or that of Najim Laachraoui, artificate from the attacks of Paris, death in those of Brussels four months later, have not been more enlightening.

Wednesday, December 15, two witnesses have kindly offered answers from more than one sentence. Anne-Diana Clain, first. The sister of Fabien and Jean-Michel, French voices of the claim of the 17-November attacks, probably dead in Syria, but judged in their absence because we never know. Catholic Fervent, installed in the Orne, the CLAIN family – the mother, four children, spouses, grandchildren – became entirely to Islam around the year 2000, before moving to Toulouse, Then leaving for Syria.

The cord, a family in spiritual research

“Can you explain what happened in this family?”, Request the President. Anne-Diana Clain, 46, sentenced to nine years of imprisonment for his attempt (missed), responds from his prison of Read (Seine-et-Marne): “We were in spiritual research for quite a few years ago, We were looking for an answer to why we were on earth. We were Christians, we searched in the Bible, but full of things were not going with what was written. The priest of Alençon failed to answer . And then we met a person who told us about Islam, who had answered all our questions, and one became one after the other. “

It was immediately radical Islam, Salafism, the will to leave for Syria: “Now I have evolved, but at the time we were all persuaded that it was Islam, says -The in a slender pout. In the extreme, in the war, in dominating the whole world, because Muslims have to make the war apparently. “

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