Aeroflot rose in CDP environmental responsibility ranking

The CDP International Rating Agency (Carbon Disclosure Project) has increased the ecological rating of Aeroflot to the level of “C”. This is stated in the service of the carrier.

The airline noted that an increase in the assessment testifies to the effectiveness of the efforts of Aeroflot in the field of preventing global climate change, and also confirms the image of an environmentally responsible company at the international level.

In 2021, according to the results of an independent assessment of the CDP “Aeroflot”, a rating of category “C” was assigned, which is a kind of breakthrough for the airline. Aeroflot traditionally seeks to comply with advanced international standards – including in the field of change Climate – and is the only one of the Russian airlines, voluntarily hosting participating in the international CDP rating, “Tatyana Turanskaya, Head of the Aeroflot SMC Department, emphasized.

Aeroflot has developed and implemented a corporate greenhouse gas emission management system, within which there are constant control of direct and indirect emissions for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14064-1. The accuracy of information on the volume of emissions produced annually verifies an independent external auditor.

In addition, in September 2021, Aeroflot and Gazprom Neft signed an agreement on cooperation in the production and use of SAF in the Russian market in order to increase environmental efficiency and reduce carbon trail of air traffic. In December 2021, the company signed a declaration on the creation of the Eurasian SAF (biofuel) alliance, within which a roadmap will be developed to promote “green fuel” in Russia. Members of the Alliance put an ambitious for the Russian civil aviation market The goal is to fulfill the first flight on biofuel no later than 2024

/Media reports.