Authorities abandoned idea of freezing prices for products

Prices for food products in Russia are currently balanced and new agreements with trading networks on freeze prices similar to the restrictions on sugar and sunflower oil will not be required, Interfax writes with reference to the words of the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Communist Party.

According to him, at the moment the state successfully cooperates with the participants of the industry, and from the idea of ​​cost containment can be abandoned. “It is clear that inflation is higher in the food group than it was in past years, but much lower than it could be if there was no joint job,” commented ITUV.

The deputy head of the Ministry of Industry, stated that in the future it is better to resort to market methods for regulating prices and “to work in a timely manner for individual groups of goods using various food balancing mechanisms.” Evtukhov recalled that the state has a mechanism for establishing limit prices for socially significant goods, but they also do not plan to use it: “Never this mechanism has been applied, because everyone understands … We can simply unbalance the market for these products: they can become more The worst quality, there may be a deficit, entrepreneurs will go to the production of other goods. “

Bank analysts agree with the position of Eudhukov and declare that the state regulation of prices for combating inflation is harmful to the economy. In their opinion, the use of such mechanisms will entail imbalances in commodity markets and can negatively affect the work of regulated industries.

Since the end of 2020, in the middle of 2021, there were measures of both direct and indirect price regulation, including their freezing in relation to a number of goods (fixed the utmost wholesale and retail prices for products) and export duties. Temporary administrative measures were taken in the markets of many products: sugar, sunflower oil, grains, buckwheat, petroleum products, metals and wood.

/Media reports.