Roboruk taught to manipulate fragile subjects

Engineers of Stanford University created a prototype of strong roborukov, which also taught to move fragile subjects. This is reported by the New Scientist edition.

Leading Member of Research Mark Katkoski (Mark Cutkosky) explained that industrial robot manipulators are well suited for coarse interaction, but they cannot be used at more delicate work. The scientist invented the roboruk, which will allow you to perform actions requiring a neat attachment of strength. As an example, the specialist led to screw the light bulb, shocking eggs and vintage.

Katkoski offered to use a hand with four robotic fingers, on the creation of which he was inspired by the study of the paw of gecko. Thanks to its paws, lizards can hold the cargo many times superior their weight. Engineers created special rubber skin, which, when contacting with the subject, almost sticks to its surface. The material evenly distributes the load of robors, due to this, the integrity of items is preserved.

Roboruk is programmed to capture in such a way as to maximize the contact area, using pads, not fingertips. Also because each finger has a separate engine, the hand can raise and move the load, which is several times higher than its weight.

In July, specialists from the University of California in Riverside created a soft robot and taught him to play piano. The principle of operation of a soft “robot-pianist” is to press a specific key of the musical instrument at a certain point in time.

/Media reports.