Belarusians declared main achievements of Lukashenko

Belarusians consider the preservation of the country’s sovereignty to the main achievement of the President of Alexander Lukashenko, testify the results of the survey of the analytical center Ecoom. The data was announced at the National Press Center in Minsk, reports the “” correspondent. This opinion is followed by 43.7 percent of respondents.

Among other achievements, respondents called the integration of Russia and Belarus within the framework of the Allied State (24.8 percent), strengthening the country’s defense capability (27.6 percent), amending the Constitution (19.9 percent).

At the same time, 5.1 percent of respondents believe that Lukashenko does not have any achievements at all.

The survey was conducted from November 15 to December 4, 10,127 citizens of Belarus took part in it.

In the past few years, Lukashenko has repeatedly addressed the topic of sovereignty and stated that the independence of Belarus will “try tooth very much.” However, he did not specify who and how to raise the question of the independence of the republic. In December 2018, Lukashenko declared that he was received by the proposals to enter into Russia “six regions”. He also noted that sovereignty for Belarusians is holy.

/Media reports.