This forum, signed by more than one-third of the profession, denounced the working conditions and alerted the growing misfortune of judges, substitutes and clerks.
Le Monde with AFP
“We do not want any more than a justice that does not listen, who only reasons in figures, which stops everything and counts everything,” wrote more than 3,000 magistrates in a tribune published in Le Monde Tuesday. The message, which wanted an alarm signal, arrived at the Minister of Justice. Eric Dupond-Moretti will receive Friday signatories from the text, has it announced on LCI Thursday, November 25th.
This forum, signed by more than one-third of the profession, denounced the working conditions and alerted the growing misfortune of judges, substitutes and clerks. The signatories detailed the “untenable dilemma” to which they face: “judge quickly but badly, or judge well but in unacceptable delays.”
“This tribune is important, by the number of signatories, it is original in that it is not something union if I dare to say, it is the basis, and we must always listen to the base, “said the Minister of Justice.
m. DuPond-Moretti will receive magistrates from headquarters and parquet floors, sentencing judges and investigating judges, so that it is “eclectic and representative”. He did not specify whether the representatives of the professional organizations would also be advised.
Consideration which “delicate”
“It emerges from this forum a difficulty almost existential,” said the minister, recalling that the issues raised there, including those of the means and “the consideration of the magistrates and who is deceived. “, are addressed in the framework of the General States of Justice, launched on October 18th.
These States General had been claimed in early June by the two highest magistrates of France after “systematic implications of justice” and the discomfort caused by a demonstration, in May, of policemen before the National Assembly who shouted in the laxism of judges. “At that time, I am the only one to ride on the barricade or one of the only one, [the only one] to defend justice and defend it in a republican way,” said Dupond-Moretti on LCI.
The Superior Council of the Judiciary, chaired by Chantal Arens and François Molins, on his side announced on Twitter he would receive the authors of the platform” Tuesday 7 December “.