The exhibition devoted to the unique girl of Berthe Morisot and Niece of Edouard Manet illuminates the particular sociology, easy, part of the impressionism.
Telling the life of Julie Manet (1878-1966) is to get lost soon in a cloud of famous names and works. Julie is the unique girl of the artist Berthe Morisot (1841-1895) and Eugène Manet (1833-1892), Brother of Edouard Manet (1832-1883), that he does not seem necessary to present. It would also be superfluous to claim to define in a few words some friends of the family, Stéphane Mallarmé, Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. In 1900, May 31, Julie wife Ernest Rouart (1874-1942), who he himself is one of the sons of Henri Rouart (1833-1912), one of the main French collectors of Impressionism. The same day, his cousin Jeannie Gobilla wife Paul Valéry, who is only a poet working at the Ministry of War to live. A very posy photograph shows the two couples, Julie and Jeannie Assises, white dresses lagged, flower creases with bodice and in the hair and husbands standing behind her, black fracs and white butterflies knots. The image is taken Rue de Villejust – Today Street Paul-Valery – in the mansion built by Julie Manet’s parents.
This story takes place in the high bourgeoisie of the 16 e Arrondissement de Paris: the coats and the reds must have to their ancestors of the solid fortunes, Paris buildings and properties near the capital city. Henri Roale, Polytechnician, is a skilled and industrious inventor. Auguste Manet, Edouard’s father, is senior official and passes to own half of the Gennevillier lands (Hauts-de-Seine). On the side of the Morisot, we are also safe from the need: Edme Tiburce, Father of Berthe, is state advisor, Cornélie Thomas, his mother, daughter of a general inspector of finances. Here is the fortune side impressionism, while Pissarro, Monet or Renoir waited long before accessing the ease.
Biographical details? A little more than that. One of the main qualities of the exhibition that the Marmottan Museum, in Paris, devoted to Julie Manet is that she makes clear awareness of this particular sociology of one of the parts of the impressionism. At the risk of disconcing, it succeeds several states of its heroin, from childhood in adulthood. The first is the girl of Berthe Morisot, who draws her and painted it very frequently.
Family bulimia
Let his portraits and studies and the other female figures attached to them testify to the mastery of Morisot in this art is not a surprise. She tends to seize snapshots, as it looks like a photograph, and knows how to stick to a just enhanced face study of a bluish white halo because, indeed, adding more details would serve to Nothing, if not to spoil the first grip. On this point, the comparison between Julie seen by his mother and the same view by Renoir is overwhelming for the second who wants to make resemble and annoy in a vainly careful execution. On the other hand, Julie Manet and his doggystyle Laërte (1893) of Berthe Morisot is, in many parts of his parts, that smear hatched with blue, green and white, but immediately expressive.
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