Czech Republic: Petr Fiala appointed Prime Minister

Petr Fiala is at the head of a block of five parties from the center and the right center, the winners of the October legislative elections, which sounded the defeat of the outgoing Prime Minister Andrej Babis, and his allies.

Le Monde with AFP

Former Political Science Professor Petr Fiala, 57, was appointed, Sunday, November 28, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic by the President, Milos Zeman. Mr. Fiala chairs the Democratic Civic Party (ODS), right, which within the alliance together, including Christian Democrats and the Top 09 right center party, won the October legislative elections.

“I am convinced that we will soon have a strong and stable government,” insured Petr Fiala, at an unusual ceremony, during which President Zeman, in a wheelchair and reached CVIV-19, was protected by a Plastic barrier. Milos Zeman pointed out that he intended to talk to the future ministers by December 13, “to prepare from that date the appointment of the government”.

The alliance together narrowly beat the populist movement of the outgoing billionaire Prime Minister Andrej Babis, and then associated with two other centrists: the Pirate Party, Anti-Establishment, and the Mayors and Independents. The five parties control 108 seats, out of a total of 200, in Parliament.

Covid-19 and Energy Crisis

The new government will need to address two urgent problems: the CVIV-19 crisis, while a new wave of contaminations threatens to overwhelm the hospital system, and an energy crisis after bankruptcy. a large electricity supplier.

m. Zeman, a 77-year-old left politician, Prorusse and Proschine, was originally to appoint Mr. Fiala last Friday, after his release from the Prague Military Hospital. However, he returned to the hospital the same day of his release, Thursday, after being tested positive at COVID-19. He finally left the hospital on Saturday.

m. Zeman originally wanted to appoint Mr. Babis, his ally, as Prime Minister, but the food, chemicals and media, accused of EU subsidy fraud, “said soon after The elections he would refuse an offer to train the new government and enter the opposition.

According to Mr. Fiala, the president should appoint the government by mid-December. EU member, the Czech Republic, which has 10.7 million inhabitants, is dealing with one of the highest CVIV-19 infection rates in the world.

The country recorded a record of 27,717 new cases on Thursday, and its hospitals are lacking in capabilities to treat patients. Some hospitals have begun to move patients to less crowded institutions and delaying programmed surgical procedures. The Czech Republic is also struggling with unprecedented growth in energy prices and galloping inflation.

/Media reports.