The prelate admitted to having “ambiguous behavior” towards a woman in 2012. Only the pope had the power to accept or reject his request for resignation.
Le Monde
Pope Francis accepted the resignation of his pastoral charge of Mghe Michel Aupetit, Archbishop of Paris, announces Thursday, December 2 in a statement The apostolic nonciation in France. “The Apostolic Nonciature in France communicates that the Holy Father has accepted the resignation of the pastoral burden of the archdiocese of Paris, presented by Monsignor Michel Aupetit”, can one read in a statement of the Conference of the Bishops of France. “The Holy Father has appointed Apostolic Director of Paris, M Gr Georges Pontier, Archbishop Emeritus de Marseille,” he says.
In a statement, the Archbishop writes: “I am pleased to have served this diocese with magnificent teams, clerics, lay, consecrated, totally devoted to the service of Christ, the Church and their brothers.”
“The Lord gave, the Lord took over. That the name of the Lord be blessed!”
Msprs statement Michel Apepetit //p>- Michelupetit (@mgr Michel Apepetit)
” Ambiguous behavior “
Appointed in 2017, M Gr Apepetit, 70, had in 2012 “an ambiguous behavior with a very present person vis-à-vis him,” had admitted the diocese. It was not a question of a “sexual relationship”, had insured at the France-Presse agency the diocese, adding that the Archbishop “had opened its hierarchy at the ‘era “.
Michel Apepetit was promoted auxiliary bishop in 2013. One year only after he inherits a diocese of law, that of Nanterre. Three and a half years later, in 2017, the one who dreamed “campaign priest” is hoisted at the head of the most urban dioceses. The Archbishop, who had to manage the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris in 2019, is known for his strict positions on family and bioethics – he regularly supported the “Marche for Life” hostile to the ‘Abortion. He also had a mesh from the homosexuals in 2012 during the debates on the “wedding for all”.