Release Multimedia Library SDL 2.0.18

Release Library SDL 2.0.18 (Simple DirectMedia Layer) aimed at simplifying the writing of games and multimedia applications. The SDL library provides the means as hardware-accelerated output 2D and 3D graphics, input processing, sound playback, 3D output via OpenGL / OpenGL ES / VULKAN and many other related operations. The library is written in SI language and extends under the ZLIB license. For the use of SDL features in projects in various programming languages, bindings are provided. Library code spreads under the ZLIB license.

In the new release:

  • For each function, information about the SDL version is provided, in which this function appeared. Automatic documentation synchronization in Wiki with header files is provided.
  • Added new features:
    • sdl_rendergeometry () and sdl_rendergeometryraw () to draw arbitrary figures using 2D Render API.
    • sdl_settextureUserdata () and sdl_gettextureuserdata () to bind application data to texture.
    • sdl_renderwindowtologist () and sdl_renderlogicaltowindow () for conversion between windows coordinates and logical coordinates of drawing.
    • sdl_rendersetvsync () To enable output synchronization with frame simpted pulse (VBLANK).
    • SDL_PREMULTIPLYALPHA () To apply transparency to pixel blocks in SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888.
    • sdl_setwindowmousesert () and SDL_GETWINDOWMOUSECECT () to limit the movement of the mouse cursor given by the window area.
    • sdl_gamecontrollerhasrumble (), sdl_gamecontrollerhasrumbletriggers (), sdl_joystickhasrumble () and sdl_joystickhasruumbletriggers () to test support for the game controller and the adaptive vibration effect joystick (RUMBLE)
    • sdl_getwindowiccprofile () To obtain the color ICC profile window (an SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ICCPROF_CHANGED event is proposed for checking a profile change.
  • new features added: sdl_hint_app_name to transfer information about the application name and sdl_hint_video_egl_allow_transparency to enable transparency for EGL windows.
  • Added new event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_DISPLAY_CHANGED window, which is generated when the screen is changed on which the window is shown.
  • The ability to determine the exact motion parameters of the mouse wheel using the “Precisex” and “Precisey” fields in the event parameters.
  • SDL_Waitevent () function is redesigned to reduce the load on the CPU.
  • API HIDAPI is translated into the public category and is now available through the header file SDL_HIDAPI.H.
/Media reports.