In Maryland in the United States, dozens of children made the vaccinations of an overdue vaccine from Coronavirus from Pfizer. Reports about it The Washington Post (WP).
According to the publication, at least 70 children were attracted by the drug, which was overdue due to violation of storage conditions. Health services assured that the health of minors does not threaten anything. At the same time, they called on their parents to trace to make children another dose of vaccine for proper protection against COVID-19.
“We are deeply regretting the mistake and apologize for the concern and inconvenience caused to families,” said the deputy head of the local health administration, George Askw (George L. Askew). According to him, the region has retrained personnel on vaccine storage.
On September 30, it was reported that about 260 people in the French region Overlon – Ron – the Alps received the Pfizer vaccine from COVID-19 with an expired shelf life. Among the graft doses from this party had about 100 students from seven colleges. After checking the state of health, the graft did not reveal violations.