Transportation of animals: MEPs divided on measures to be taken

The European Parliament inquiry on the protection of livestock during its transportation adopted its report Thursday, December 2nd. If the finding of current deficiencies is unanimous, the recommendations are deemed disappointing by the associations.


After eighteen months of investigation, MEPs have made the almost unanimous finding that the transport rules of animals not only are not well respected, but are also insufficient to ensure the welfare of animals. Thursday, December 2, the report of the Parliamentary Inquiry into the transport of animals was adopted by 30 votes for, 0 against and 1 abstention.

European parliamentarians, on the other hand, have shown divided as to the measures to be taken. If they have agreed on the need to strengthen the controls during transport, to install video surveillance cameras in the trucks or to impose the presence of a veterinarian aboard the boats carrying livestock, they have not reached to agree on a maximum duration of transport, part of the elected officials wanted to limit to eight hours (15 votes for, against, 1 abstention), nor on the prohibition of the export of live animals towards third countries, on which no consensus has cleared.

Several dramas

Every year, 1 billion animals circulate within the European Union (EU) or to other countries. Deficiencies, excessive transport times, inadequate trucks, cargos-garbage … Over the years, the violations of the regulation of animals, as well as its limits, have been extensively documented by associations and launchers of Alert, but also in official reports, emanating, for example, from the European Commission, on animals exported at sea . The news has also been marked by several dramas, such as the shipwreck of Queen-Hind, at the end of 2019, off Romania, with 14,000 sheep on board, or wandering at sea nearly three months, early 2021, of Two cattle cargoes part of Cartagena, Spain, refused in all ports, and forced to return to the departure box so that all animals are euthanized therein.

“It is abnormal for calves in France, fattened in Cartagena and rises on a boat to be sent outside the European Union and and to be shot down”, estimates the Europutée caroline roose (green / ALE), Member of the Commission of Inquiry, who regretted the luxury of the recommendations adopted and a “half-hue” vote. The Eurogroup for Animals platform, which represents more than 80 animal protection associations, also said disappointed by this vote, which act “some minor improvements but no change in substance”. Faced with these criticisms, the co-rapporteur Daniel Buda (EPP) felt that the voted measures “take into account the realities that surround us”, justifying: “the transport of live animals represents an important branch of the economy of the Union. European. “

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/Media reports.