In Spain, the telegram was put on the auction, which Adolf Hitler’s leader was written by the Spanish commanders, the commander of the Blue Division, who fought against the USSR on the Soviet-German Front, General Munoza Grandez. About it reports Daily Mail.
Hitler sent a telegram on January 2, 1942, a few days before the defeat of the Nazis in the Battle of Moscow.
on copies of the printed message published by the publication, it can be seen that the Führer inserted between the lines of the TROTZ Allem phrase, which can be translated from German as “in spite of everything.” A specialist of auction house in the Spanish Malaga Richard Davy conversation with Daily Mail called it the first “grain of doubt” Hitler in the victory in World War II.
“We often think about Hitler as a strong person who did not think about defeat, but here for the first time he seems to appear grain doubt about the victory in war. There is something in these words, which makes a statement less confident and Strong than originally planned. As if he was worried about the fact that the battle could be lost, “said Davy.
General Munos in response to the telegram wished Hitler Victory. “The difficulties of this moment can only confirm my confidence in the final victory, and my only desire is that the relationship between our two countries can become even deeper and close, even if it happens at the price of hard victims,” wrote the Spanish military leader.
It is expected that telegrams will be sold on the online auction on Friday, December 3, for three thousand pounds sterling (about 300 thousand rubles).
Battle for Moscow – one of the critical moments in World War II – began in September 1941. In December, the Red Army passed into a counteroffensive and threw the Germans for hundreds of kilometers from the capital.