In accordance with the draft law of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2021, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2020 No. 3683-r., Roskosmos State Corporation was developed and submitted to the Government a draft federal law “On the remote sensing of the Earth from Cosmos” .
The basic idea of the draft law is to consolidate the regulatory standards of legal relations in the field of remote sensing of the Earth (DZZ) from the space in terms of planning the work of on-board target equipment of the Space Agency for DZZ, reception, collection, processing, storage and distribution of DZZ data from space, the creation of legal conditions, providing the formation and development of the domestic data market and thematic products created on their basis.
The bill also regulates the formulation of the basic rights and responsibilities of direct relations, as well as the development of international cooperation in this field of activity.
The main purpose of the bill is to create legal conditions for organizing the effective target use of space systems and Space systems from space in Russia as an integral environmental conditions for the sustainable development of the Russian Federation and its regions, ensure national security, including the determination of the rights and obligations of state authorities, legal entities and individuals.
The bill has been agreed with all interested federal executive bodies, the Ministry of Economic Development received a conclusion on the regulatory impact of the draft law, also the conclusion of the Ministry of Justice on the draft federal law.
The adoption of the bill will solve the tasks of creating a single legislative framework for the legal regulation of all stages of the targeted use of space systems and remote sensing complexes of civilian land, including those arising from the international obligations of the Russian Federation.