Jean-Luc Mélenchon holds a meeting in Paris to show that he can “make union by base”

The candidate of France unsuitable must gather 3,000 support for the Defense on Sunday. A date not chosen at random, in the aftermath of Valérie Pécresse and the same day as a meeting of Eric Zemmour.

Le Monde with AFP

Jean-Luc Mélenchon mobilizes his activists facing the right and on the far right, Sunday, December 5, and wants to show that he can “make the union by the base” during a defense meeting, Near Paris, failing to make a rapprochement with the other contenders on the left to the Elysée.

The candidate of France unsuitable (LFI), who had reached nearly 20% of the votes in the 2017 presidential election, failing at the doors of the second round, hoping to qualify in April 2022. “The situation is volatile and the country is looking for itself. The far-right division lowers the input threshold to the second round. It’s a mouse hole, but we have a chance to be there,” A-T -He explained Saturday at Parisian . “It all depends on the popular neighborhoods, if they will vote.”

In the field for more than a year, Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not choose the date of his random meeting. “In the aftermath of the designation of the candidate LR”, Valérie Pécresse, it was necessary to “show that it is not just the right that prepares the presidential election”, explained to the France-Press (AFP) manual Bompard, his campaign manager.

30,000 copies of “the future in common” sold

The arrival of the extreme right polemicist Eric Zemmour in the equation, with a meeting on the same day, in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis), “it reinforces our position: we are there, there is no Not that Zemmour, and it’s not just right, “says Bompard. With nearly 3,000 places, no question for Jean-Luc Melenchon to numerically compete with the 19,000 registered at the Meeting of Villepinte.

Whoever has sold nearly 30,000 copies of its program the future in common, with 690 proposals, many of which are taken from its 2017 program, says it: “Now it’s time of the people. “” A meeting, it is always a demonstration of strength and it contributes to a dynamic campaign “, insists Manuel Bompard, who sees” a shudder of interest “of voters and” an upward slope “.

Five years ago, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was “about the same level as currently”, with the voices of the Communists, who were then allied, remembers the member LFI Eric Coquel. “After there was an air hole because of the candidacy of [Benoît] Hamon, and after there was a lift. There, as I do not see any air hole for now, we can to say that we are on a dynamic that can only be rising, “he confirms.

The opportunity to install a” Popular Union Parliament “

The leader of France Insouchaise (LFI) is competed by the ecologist candidate, Yannick Jadot, and the Socialist, Anne Hidalgo, with whom a rapprochement seems to be inconceivable today. “Since we can not do the union at the top with a common program, do it by the base with a common program,” suggests Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

It is, according to him, the opportunity to install the “Parliament of People’s Union”, a “strategic and programmatic consulting” organ for the campaign bringing together 200 people, one half of which is not a member of LFI but from the union world, associative, cultural. “This is the starting point for a new great popular force in France,” says the leader of the “insou”.

/Media reports.