December Star – Geminides 2021

On the night of December 13-14, 2021, a beautiful and powerful stars of the year from the constellation Gemini is expected. 120 meteors per hour is predicted. Geminides can be observed all night over the southern horizon. With clear weather, bright meteors will be visible throughout Russia. In 2021, the moon in the phase close to the full moon will prevent observations.

Every year in mid-December, the planet Earth passes through the swarm of small particles, which asteroid Phaeton left on his orbit. At this time, one of the richest and most beautiful meteor of the northern hemisphere of the Earth is observed at the night sky – Geminides. In the peak of activity, you can observe up to hundreds of flames of meteors per hour.

Geminides are a beautiful meteor-flow giant, superior by the number of “incident stars” all other meteor flows, including the August Persians. Geminides are valid annually from 4-7 to December 17 with a maximum on the night of December 14.

Meteor flow in the constellation Twins was opened at the end of the XIX century. The Geminides received its name from the name of the Constellation of Gemini (Gemini), in which the flow radiant (departure area of ​​meteors). Radiant Geminid is located near the bright star Castor in the constellation Gemini.

In December, the twin constellation is clearly visible high above the southern horizon all night, starting from 21:00 Moscow time and before sunrise. The greatest height over the southern horizon radiant Geminid is gaining around 2 o’clock in the morning.

Meteora Geminide white and bright, not very fast and practically do not leave long traces. The flow of small residues of the phateth is flying to the land, but catching it up, so the speed of meteors Geminide is low – about 35 km / s. In the period of activity, meteors can fall very often and watch them better on the dark unneoussed urban lights.

A beautiful picture opens the eye of an observer in a clear cloudless night of December mid-December, and especially in the night of the peak of the flow, from December 13-14, bright meteors “fall” on the background of the Constellation Orion. The flow of geminids is usually active during the day. Provided clearly at night of the peak from December 13-14, up to 120 meteors per hour is expected. Watch Geminides over the southern horizon, they are clearly visible from all over Russia.

The conditions of observation of Geminid in 2021 are unfavorable. The moon in 2021 is close to full moliation, which will occur on December 19, and will create significant interference in the observation of meteors throughout the night.

/Media reports.